Grow your team with Total Performance Consulting

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Total Performance - Need developers

Being able to augment the capacity of your organization is important if you want to scale effectively. This is why so many businesses turn to staff augmentation for specific projects and staffing needs, especially when it comes to development.

The problem is it’s so easy to align the wrong developer with a project. Most service providers only look at technical abilities and align staff to companies based on this. However, there is a lot more to consider in order for a project to be truly successful.

Total Performance Consulting understands this, which is why we’ve broken away from the mold and revolutionized the outdated approach to staff augmentation that so many services offer. We’ll break this down below.

Why Use Staff Augmentation?​

Staff augmentation can be a powerful tool for any business. Especially now, in the digital age of remote work, using this type of model has become an increasingly popular trend.

Why are so many businesses opting for staff augmentation?

There are all kinds of scenarios that make this staffing model a good idea.

  • It can increase your business capacity.
  • If there’s a temporary spike in demand, you can easily address this through augmentation.
  • Maybe you need a specialized skill set for a short period of time or a specific project.
  • Or maybe you want to improve the flexibility of the way your business operates, taking on a more agile approach to staffing.

Either way, augmenting your staff is an excellent solution.

This type of team augmentation may be the right move for your business, but it will only be successful if you follow the right approach.

Total Performance Consulting takes a strategic long-term perspective when it comes to helping you to grow your team of developers, which differs from many companies that run with a short-term mindset. This helps businesses achieve greater value from the augmentation process.

Using the Right Staff Augmentation Model

There are various staff augmentation models that you can choose for your business. This includes types of augmentation, as well as different service models for engaging outsourced talent.

The model you choose should depend on the specific needs of your organization.

The three common models are:

  • Commodity: Basic staff that don’t require a specific skillset
  • Skill-based: Staff with certain skills at any level
  • Highly-skilled: Staff with more advanced skills that are only obtainable through specific training and experience

At Total Performance Consulting, we deal with highly-skilled staff augmentation. We use a model that focuses on aligning the augmented staff with specific business objectives. We achieve this through our mindset of finding a long-term strategic fit for each role.

3 Main Issues Companies Face With Staff Augmentation

When it comes to growing your team with external developers, different vendors can provide vastly different experiences. Total Performance Consulting understands the challenges that companies like you face when looking to grow their teams with external developers. This is why we’ve structured our services differently so that we can serve both your short-term and long-term strategic vision.

Here are three important issues that Total Performance Consulting takes a different approach to.

Top 1% of candidates is a myth

One of the crucial elements in scaling your team with service providers is finding the right fit and a high acceptance rates to fill vacant positions.

When bringing in external developers who come from different backgrounds and often remote, maintaining a transparent system of communication with the service provider is invaluable. Total Performance Consulting starts communication very early on in the process. And while other service providers take a more administrative role, Total Performance Consulting realizes there is more to maintaining strong communication. This is why we focus on things like industry knowledge and domain expertise.

We’ve found that our unique approach to communication very early on in the recruitment phase, while adding no overhead for your busy executives, results in higher acceptance rates by candidates for specific jobs, which means you can start your projects sooner and a much greater levels of productivity from well matched developers.

Forget 1%, our acceptance rates are as high as 50%!

Specific Sector Knowledge

In order to set your business & technical teams up with the right developer, it’s essential to properly understand the nuances of your specific industry. This is often overlooked, which can make working with an individual a serious challenge.

For example, developers who have worked in similar industries to yours in the past will know the nuances and technical issues specific to your industry.

But, while there are many great developers out there, you might struggle to find one experienced in your industry or niche.

Essentially, it’s easy to end up with an external developer that aren’t a great match for your specific business.

To address this issue, we have developed our unique internal portal called TOTAL INSIGHTS (TM). Through this portal, we curate and develop industry-specific knowledge and institutionalize it. This allows us to align the developers even before they have spent an hour with you.

So, as you onboard a brand new developer with us, they will already be up to date with issues specific to your industry.

Business objectives should drive Tech solutions, not the other way round

There’s a big difference between business requirements and technical requirements. When augmenting staff, alignment between these two areas is often overlooked. If this is the case, you can expect sub-par outcomes.

Many companies don’t even realize the issue of business alignment and what kind of friction it can cause.

Total Performance Consulting has a deep understanding of these issues. So, we took a different approach to improve staff augmentation.

The outdated approach is to use a customer success manager to overlook the administrative aspects of a project. Sure, this can help make things operate more smoothly. But, it doesn’t necessarily create a strong alignment between each project and the business objective.

Total Performance Consulting changed this approach by pairing each project with a dedicated business lead. The business lead makes sure the technical path is optimized for specific business outcomes, instead of just providing an optimized technical solution on a stand-alone basis.

This approach guides projects along a set of viable technical paths that are best for business outcomes. It’s a more customized, personalized approach that achieves better results for every different business scenario.

This unique offering is what we refer to as TOTAL PAIR (TM). As the name suggests, it’s about creating more powerful, impactful business pairings.


There may be hundreds of people with the technical skills and qualifications to perform a project. But, it doesn’t always mean they will all be a good fit for you unless your service provider follows the right long-term mindset to add constant value.

Most companies like you require a very high level of contextual, institutional knowledge. If you’re looking towards growing your team for ever-changing business environment, you could waste a lot of time and budget getting the staff to a point before they can add real value for you.

Total Performance Consulting eliminates this risk. We ensure that only the most competent, relevant developers, aligned to your industry sector and domain are presented reducing time to ramp up and getting products out of the door quickly. This is what you experience with Total Performance Consulting, an efficient way to scale up your output on specific projects aligned with you long-term goals.

By Amit Patel (CEO and Founder of TPC)


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